Transformice Wiki

Tribes can be created by any member on Transformice for a 1-time payment of 500 cheese.


The default tribe rankings are as follows (these may be changed to custom ranks later on):

  • Stooge
  • Cooker
  • Soldier
  • Treasurer
  • Recruiter
  • Hunteress
  • Initiated
  • Shaman Apprentice
  • Tribe Shaman
  • Spiritual Chief

These rankings can do different things, E.G: Some can recruit/some can change the tribe house. Each rank can affect those below it, but may not change their own, or those above. The spiritual chief, has the highest rank and is usually the founder of the tribe. He/she is the leader, and the leader has all the rights in the tribe. A stooge, which is the lowest rank in a tribe, cannot do anything.

Tribe Name

Two tribes cannot have the same name; e.g., if someone makes a tribe called MyTribeName, no one else will be able to create a tribe called MyTribeName. You cannot change your tribe's name after creation[1].

Quitting a Tribe

You can quit a tribe by opening up the tribe screen, finding your name on the list, and clicking on the "X" on the top right of your "card".
