Transformice Wiki

Prop Hunt is a minigame which is adapted from a mod in Garry's Mod. There are 2 teams, props and the hunter. The hunter must kill all the props, while props must hide from the Hunter.


The hunter is the shaman of the minigame, they can press the Space bar to kill all props around them. The hunter has 3 lives. If the hunter presses Space but there are no props hiding nearby, the hunter will lose a life. As the hunter, look carefully at your surroundings and see if one of the objects is in an unusual spot to catch props.

At the start of the round, the screen is blacked out for the hunter. During this time, the hunter can use arrows and spirits to distract and push away mice. The hunter can die from being AFK if they do not move or summon for 30 seconds.

The hunter is allowed to summon objects away from the hole. However if they summon too close to the hole, the round ends.


Props are the mice of the minigame. In the first 30 seconds of the round the screen is blacked out for the hunter. This allows the mice to quickly run and choose a decoration to clone using E, and then hide using Space. This hides their username, and allows them to look around the map. To move again, the mice can press Space. Mice can choose another decoration to clone using E, but they cannot do so if the decoration is actually another mouse.

At any point in the game, mice can type messages in the chat with the prefix "!" to send messages that the hunter cannot see.

Round start[]

After the first 30 seconds, the hunter is spawned and is now on the hunt for props.

The hunter must look out for things that seem like a fake prop, and not part of the map. When the hunter finds a fake prop the hunter can press Space to kill the prop (must be within a certain range). The hunter must be careful, because they only have 3 lives. The props are always free to press Space to unhide and move to another location, while they can also switch to another prop using E. Props on the run are often spotted easily by the hunter though.


At the last 30 seconds of the round, everybody is given cheese and can enter the mouse hole.

The goal for the hunter is to eliminate all the fake props of the map, and the goal for the props is to survive the round and enter the mouse hole. The props must rush to the mouse hole and avoid getting attacked by the hunter, but it's just as normal for the hunter to let the props enter the mouse hole for the last 30 seconds of the round, without the hunter attacking them.


  • Duplicating a prop - This method is used by some players. You should become the same object you're duplicating. Then, position like the object. This method is really hard when you use an object which can position left or right.
  • The Palm Tree Trick - Turn into a palm tree, go to the side of the map, and turn around. When turning around, try to walk as little as possible. Then press spacebar. You should be an off-the-screen palm tree, which is difficult to find and pinpoint the exact location of.