Transformice Wiki

Survivor is a special minigame room on Transformice. Like the name implies, the objective of survivor minigame is for the shaman to kill all the mice whilst the mice try and survive. Currently, maps are being accepted for the minigame. This room is available on all servers.


The shaman will attempt to kill the mice using his creativity, brutality and objects available to them, while the mice try to survive until the round ends.





Map with cheese.

Only survivor maps are played in survivor rooms, and most maps do not include cheese, and none include a Mouse Hole.

Usually, the maps are designed to fit the survivor theme, this includes walljump-able terrain, bouncy cloud block for cannons, high areas reached by jumping on cannons, and such.

In some maps, the shaman might be isolated from other mice, preventing hugging (mice sticking close to shaman, so the shaman has to shoot himself to shoot the mice) and ease the task to kill all mice.


The mice's objective is to survive the round until the timer ends. Avoid objects summoned by the shaman that may kill you, and don't stay too close to the shaman to avoid meeping (see below).

Wall Jumping is mostly required, the mice can also use the cannon summoned by the shaman to reach higher place, which will increase the chance of survival.


The shaman of a round is chosen from the highest score in the scoreboard. The main objective of the shaman is killing all other mice.

The main weapon of the shaman is cannonballs. The cannons are moved to the top of the summoning list, for convenience. The shaman can still build normally, like in normal rooms.

Ice Cube is still available in the summonable list, but is unusable. Portals are available, which might be used together with cannonballs for tricking mice.

Divine Mode is disabled in survivor rooms, due to the extremely high range. Hard Mode and Totem are available.


The shaman gain a power called meep, which is used by pressing Space. Using meep will repel the mice surrounding you, and the closer the mice, the stronger the effect.

Meep was originally designed for dealing with huggers (people who stick too closely to the shaman), but the shaman can use it as an easy form of instant cannoning.


Using meep.

Meep has a cooldown time of approximately 8 seconds, the cooldown bar is only visible to the one with the ability, located on top of the mouse.

Meep is often frowned upon by some of the player-base, since it can be considered overpowered.


The mice should stay alive as long as possible until the timer ends, the shaman should kill the mice. It is impossible to get cheese and return to the hole, since maps don't have any mouse hole. Score gaining is different from normal rooms, explained below.

Most player usually vote-ban mice that hugs the shaman and shamans that use 'cheaty' totems and builds (cannonball spam, anvil gods, etc)


Hugging is a technique used by some mice in order to survive. Mice stay extremely close to the shaman so that they cannot be cannoned without the shaman running the risk of killing themselves. This technique is frowned upon by many players and often results in vote-bans.

Totem Usage

Totems are commonly used in Survivor to make killing or blocking easier for Shamans. Blocking totems are used to put up a quick blockade. Blocking is used to prevent mice from being cannoned into hard to reach or higher areas of the map. The most often used totem is a cannon totem. It usually consists of multiple cannons used to kill a large number of mice at once. Cannon totems may also incorporate boxes to kill mice who are wall jumping. The totem isn't popular in the room and often results in insults being thrown at the shaman. If used effectively, cannon totems can kill most, if not all, the mice.


Totem for survivor.


Some totems or builds like the anvil god, cannon orbit (a set of 4 or 5 cannons connectedto a ball by C or v nails, then the ball has a rotating world nail in the center of it.) or most other gods will usually result in a vote-ban.


In survivor rooms, the highest score on the scoreboard will be the shaman, but the scoring system is different:

  • Death: +1
  • Alive until time ends: +10

Vampire Survivor

A few times, Vampire Survivor maps will occur. In these types of maps, a random player is turned into a vampire. You can easily see who's the vampire by their different skin and their red nametags. If a vampire is on a mouse for a few seconds, that mouse turn into a vampire and have the ability to infect other mice that have not been turned into a vampire. If all vampire dies and time left is more than 20 seconds, the time left will be set to 20 seconds.




There are a number of glitches which an occur whilst playing in the room. The spirit glitch commonly occurs due to the increased use of spirit. Glitches which cause the shaman or mice to become invisible are also a regular occurrence. However, forcing one's self to become invisible is a ban-able offence.


  • Most of the maps on this room have symmetry and have high places which can be reached by getting hit by a cannonball.

External Links

  • Template:Roomlink