Transformice Wiki
For the tribe house map created by Tigrounette, see Map @0.

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Map 0 is a vanilla map.

During Christmas events, the present spawns in a random location.

The message in a bottle Message in a bottle was added on 2 August 2013 to tease the Fishing 2013 enigma.



All there is to do is hang back and wait for the shaman to build up to the platform. If the shaman places an arrow, it is a good idea to follow it in case the next object traps you. There is little chance for trolling on this map other than cannonballs and possible trapping.


There are several ways to reach the cheese: you can build a ramp, an elevator, or even a catapult. One impulse for new players is to build a staircase out of boxes. However, most boxes on maps like these tend to be pushed out of the way or even off the map by the other mice unless you can put a red nail on them. Balloons can be attached to the mice, but if there are too many mice in the room you'll run out of time.

If you have them, the easiest way to get mice to the cheese are springs, found in the Spiritual Guide skill tree.


Major bug[]


The announcement made by the developers regarding the glitch

On 22 August 2010, a bug appeared in which any room that played this map would continue playing it in the next rounds infinitely without changing. The only solution was to change room and hope it didn't catch the bug. In a few hours, it was fixed.

Later on, this bug was possibly used for rooms such as room 801. It could have been also possibly used for tribe houses as well.

XML code[]

<C><P F="0" /><Z><S><S L="800" X="400" H="50" Y="375" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="120" X="541" H="40" Y="170" T="6" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /></S><D><T Y="350" X="120" /><F Y="147" X="539" /><P X="46" Y="350" T="0" P="1,0" /><P X="493" Y="150" T="11" P="0,2" /><P X="227" Y="349" T="3" P="0,2" /><P X="247" Y="349" T="11" P="0,2" /><P X="272" Y="349" T="3" P="0,2" /><P X="282" Y="349" T="3" P="0,2" /><P X="298" Y="349" T="11" P="0,2" /><P X="309" Y="349" T="3" P="0,2" /><P X="354" Y="349" T="3" P="0,2" /><P X="392" Y="349" T="3" P="0,2" /><P X="546" Y="349" T="12" P="1,2" /><P X="677" Y="349" T="3" P="0,2" /><P X="727" Y="348" T="11" P="0,2" /><P X="700" Y="350" T="5" P="1,2" /><P X="705" Y="350" T="1" P="1,0" /></D><O /></Z></C>


  • Room 801 used this map for a long time.
  • This map is running in the background when you open the Map Editor.
  • On 23 April 2022 (V1.696b), a bug where creating a room with the map rotation set to 87 (using the room creation interface) only loading map 0 was fixed.

