Transformice Wiki

Chat commands can be entered into the chatbox in-game. Any time a forward slash / starts off a message, that message will not be visible to other mice.

Interacting With Others

  • /c [username] [message] - allows you to whisper another player privately.
  • /t [message] - talk to members of your tribe.
  • /silence - Lets you turn whispers on and off.
  • /mute [username] - lets you ignore a player's messages.
  • /watch [username] - all mice are turned semi-transparent, except the mouse with username entered who is tinted pink. Multiple mice can be selected. This can be turned off by typing just /watch by itself.
  • /ban [username] - if enough players (in the same room) vote to ban a player, they will be removed from the room for an hour.
  • /report [username] - a popup will appear and will ask you why you want to ban the player. Different reasons result in different ban times, if enough players vote.
  • /friend [username] - Adds the user to your friends list.
  • /profile [username] - Allows you to view this user's profile.
  • /filtre - Disable/Enable chat filter allowing see bad words
  • /f [country] - Waves a flag representing that country. For countries / country codes, read more.

Changing Rooms

  • /room [name] - allows you to go to a room. (Normal Mode) 
  • /vanilla [name] - allows you to go to a vanilla room.
  • /bootcamp [name] - allows you to go to a bootcamp room.
  • /survivor [name] - allows you to go to a survivor room.
  • /racing [name] - allows you to go to a racing room.
  • /editor - Sends you to the the map editor.
  • /totem - Sends you to the totem editor. (You need to have at least 1000 saves to be able to go to the totem editor)
  • /tutorial - Sends you to the tutorial. 


  • /title [number] - lists off all of the titles you have earned if no number included. If you include a number that corresponds to a title you own, your title will switch to that title.
  • /mort - kills your mouse (give a +1 to score).
  • /pw [password] - If the room has your username at the start, then you can use this to set a password for the room, only enabling people who know the password to enter. e.g. If your username was Souris and you went to room Souris, you could type /pw cheese to set the password for that room to "cheese".
  • /music [number] - Play a YouTube video while enjoying maps.
  • /facebook - will award your mouse with 20 cheese the first time, as well as open up the Transformice Facebook page.
  • /atelier801 - gives a cake hat.
  • /module - lists "official" minigames that are available.
  • /code - opens the box for typing codes that give rewards (from contests, attending a convention they are at, etc).