Transformice Wiki

Armageddon 2016, also known as the Gods' Battle Adventure, was the tenth adventure of 2016. This adventure featured a battle between the polar forces of Elisah and her opposing deity, the Anvil God.[1]


This adventure focused on bringing life to a statue of Elisah in Transformice's capital, where the one and only Anvil God had broken free. Players had to obtain feathers to enable Elisah's power in the statue and ultimately make the Anvil God retreat. This adventure did not feature the return of the angel pet from Epiphany 2016.


Armageddon Meter Empty

The meter shown beneath Elisah's statue; not filled.

The objective of the adventure map was for players to collect Collectible #9 magic feathers, located at the top left of the map and restocked in the same exact location. Players then had to drop these feathers under the Elisah statue by simply walking under the platform where she stands and onto a pedestal with her name engraved in Greek-style lettering. Players had to carefully avoid the Anvil God's lasers, or they died. If particles were enabled, death would have resulted in a comicbook-style scream bubble by one's mouse with varying words inside of them, such as "Meep," "Ouch," and "Aïe" (which is "ouch" in French).

Armageddon Feather Carrying

Only one of Elisah's feathers was able to be carried at a time.

The amount of magic feathers one could carry at once was limited to only one feather, but once dropped onto the statue's pedestal, players were able to obtain another feather and repeat this process until the statue's gauge, or bar, was filled completely. Only two magic feathers were present on the map, but their locations remained static for every instance. So long as a player contributed to powering Elisah's statue with at least one feather and the bar was eventually filled up, they would have earn a reward, even if afflicted by the Anvil God's laser.

Armageddon Laser

The Anvil God about to strike his laser.

Armageddon Meter Filling

The meter shown below Elisah's statue, slightly more than half-filled

One method of timing was in the initial stage of the map's round. The Anvil God's first laser was aimed between the two top pillar grounds, and nobody standing on these grounds to obtain a magic feather were to be reached by his laser. The second laser was right above the statue's pedestal, meaning players who were attempting to drop a feather as soon as the map started would have to face this laser. Thus, players were advised not to drop down right after obtaining a feather once the map began. Timing where the Anvil God's laser would be was crucial, and only dropping down or rising up after his laser was launched was important. His laser attacks recharged every six seconds. In mid-attack, the Anvil God's laser flashed black, white, and then black again, eventually fading to the ominous thin purple laser.

Armageddon Laser Attack

The Anvil God delivering an attack.

Once the bar was completely filled, Elisah's statue was given her powers for a limited time. The statue's erect arm would release feather particles, their trajectories straight towards the Anvil God. His lasers would cease and he would slowly rock back and forth and eventually retreat into the bottom of the ground. The statue's feather particles would continue to travel off the map. Players were rewarded with random consumables and an Elisah's Tail Ornament, also called ribbon, if the limit had not been reached.

Event Specific
Image Name Limit
Consumable #2249 Elisah's Tail Ornament 50


Progress Rewards

Consumable #2249 Reward
1 Consumable #2251
5 « Protectoress »(387)
10 Consumable #801
15 Orb #13
30 Badge #139
50 « Fromagic »(336)



Image Name Effect
Consumable #2250 Energy Orb Launches a glowing pink energy orb with identical parameters as the pufferfish consumable.
Consumable #2251 Elisah costume A player's mouse equips the Elisah fur for 10 minutes. Players earned one Elisah costume upon defeating the Anvil God for the first time. It was possible to obtain more by trading.


Consumable #1 Consumable #2 Consumable #5 Consumable #9 Consumable #16 Consumable #21 Consumable #23 Consumable #29 Consumable #2234 Consumable #27 Consumable #14



Armageddon 2016 new items

New items

Badge 140

Fur badge

Image Name Type Cheese Fraise Collector
Fur #61 Elisah Fur 8500 550 Tango Tick1
Ear item #30 Elisah's Earring Ears 250 40 Tango Tick1
Hair style #19 Elisah's Hair Hair 1000 85 Tango Tick1
Tail item #24 Anvil God Tail 1200 120 Tango Tick1

The tail itself and the Anvil God item being cropped


The Anvil God item is cropped even more when flying with the Angel skill

Crane BugLike many, the Anvil God tail item is cropped by the limit box when a player crouches. It is cropped even more when one flies with the Angel skill.


Image Name Type Cheese Fraise
Mouth item #7 Red Lightsaber Mouth 300
Head item #117 Bell Hat Head 500 100
Fur #60 Waterfall Fur 350
Neck item #23 Leaf Umbrella Neck 50
Head item #136 Snail Shell Head 40
Mouth item #34 Blue Fish Mouth 40

See Also


  • Elisah's Hair was the first hair style added to the shop in 2016.
  • The Anvil God is an homage to the playerbase, being based off the construct whose name is dubbed accordingly.
  • Like most events, the minimum amount of players needed for the map to play in a room was 4.


