Transformice Wiki

A Shaman uses nails to build a bridge over the gap.

Anchors, sometimes known as bonds, nails or hinges (although the map editor labels them as nails) are the link physical items to the stage and to other items. Anchors linked items spawn with the map, or can be attached to items by the shaman to assist in building.

There are five different types of anchors available for use. Newer shamans usually have a tough time with anchors. The only way to create anchors is through the C, V, B, J or N keys. Pressing a key multiple times will move the anchor from the center to either side of the object, except in the case of the red nail, which may only be attached by the middle. In the case of balloons, pressing any anchor hotkeys will allow the shaman to connect the balloon to another object with a string.

Anchor type Hotkey Use
  • Must be attached to another item.
  • Does not move.
  • Used for making bridges and ramps.
  • Can also be used for helping so make air ships, bomb shields, etc.
  • Cannot be used in Divine Mode.
  • Must be attached to another item.
  • A free anchor that rotates along the hinge
  • Moves with the item it's attached to.
  • Can be attached directly to the stage or to another item.
  • Can only be used with planks.
  • Useful for providing a base for other attachments.
  • Can be attached to the air "through" another item, allowing it to turn in the air, or locking it there if it cannot turn (anchored, or touches the ground etc.)
  • Cannot be used in Hard Mode (unless in a Totem) or Divine Mode.
Motorized (Counter-clockwise)
  • Must be attached to another item.
  • Motorized hinge that rotates to the left.
  • Can be used for creating elevators.
  • Also used for creating Anvil God
File:Motorized Anchor (Right).png
Motorized (Clockwise)
  • Must be attached to another item.
  • Motorized hinge that rotates to the right.
  • Can be used for creating elevators.
  • Also used for creating Anvil God
File:Red nail clockwise.PNG
Motorized World (Clockwise)
  • Rotating red nails cannot be placed normally by shamans. These can only be used in the map editor and inside a totem
  • Rotating red nails were available to be placed by shamans on Fish, a ancestor of Transformice
File:Red nail counter clockwise.PNG
Motorized World (Counter-clockwise)
  • Rotating red anchors cannot be placed normally by shamans. These can only be used in the map editor and inside a totem
  • Rotating red anchor were available to be placed by shamans on Fish, a ancestor of Transformice
C, V, B, J or N
  • Can only be used with Balloons.
  • Must be attached to another item.
  • Automatically creates a string between a balloon making the balloon lift the item.
  • Used for making airships or stabilizing and elevating bridges.
  • The key used makes no difference.
  • To connect a balloon to a mouse, the circle that is the nail must be at the body of the mouse for it to work.

Overlapping anchor

To add an anchor onto overlapping things, like the ends of anvils, select the arrow shaman item and the anchor of your choosing. Once you place the arrow where you would like the anchor, the arrow will disappear and leave the anchor behind.

Note: This doesn't work with a red anchor.

Anchor to anchor

If you add a item to another item with a blue anchor, for example a long board anchored to a short board that is held in place by a red anchor, you can do an arrow nail with a rotating anchor or a lime anchor to make it move or stop moving.

Note: You can do this as many times as you want.


  • Despite the free anchor commonly being called "blue", the game refers to it as green in the map editor.
    • This also happened with the solid anchor commonly being called "green", The game refers to it as yellow in the map editor.